Monday, February 19, 2007

Flikr Flack

Whoa! Anybody been following the Flickr fiasco? I've been away the last four days and just got back this evening. Thought I'd upload some pics from my weekend. Boy was I surprised when I went to my Flickr page and found some *lovely* pr0n images! WTF?!? I was thiiis close to canceling my account when Yahoo took over 'cause I didn't have a good feeling about it. Guess I should have gone with my gut feeling on this one. Turns out that EVERYBODY'S images are screwed up. This has been happening for days, with no replies from Flickr staff. I've been posting some comments on the blog they set up for this, but it just went down ("Flickr is having a massage") about 5 minutes ago. I guess somebody finally listened when half the Flickr users said to take the site down until it's fixed. Duh. How stupid can they BE?

What gets me with this is that Flickr/Yahoo couldn't be bothered with honesty, saying that their servers/migration went kaflooey and that they'd have to take the site down for a bit. C'mon. The world would be a better place if we all 'fessed up when we messed up. Now, instead of a small group of grumpy folks you've got a rightfully angry mob, looking for someone to jab with their pitchforks. Can't say that I blame 'em....

11:00 PM EST update...they're up...they're, wait a minute....sigh.....

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

5 reasons why I love snow

Blue, originally uploaded by nukediver.

5. When it snows, it means it's cold outside. I like it cold outside.

4. When it snows, it's quiet. I live near the confluence of several major highways (it IS New Jersey, after all) and when it snows, I can't hear any of them.

3. When it snows, it's purty.

2. When it snows, the air is crisp and clean.

1. And, when it snows on Valentine's Day, it's an extra added reason to stay inside and snuggle ;-)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The rest of the story behind my name

Full speed ahead!, originally uploaded by nukediver.

And I love to scuba dive. Any questions?

Half the story behind my name

So, everyone asks "what is a nukediver?"

Well, I work in state government, making sure that people who used radioactive materials in the past clean them up. Oh, and I'm on the right. Not that you could really tell.


As if there weren't enough happening in my life already, I have set my sights on entering the blogosphere, quietly, without a thought as to where I'm headed. But that's the fun part, isn't it? The not-knowing of writing? Where will my subconscious take me today? I don't know. But I do know that my conscious and I just returned from Target. We decided to consolidate the 500+ CD's scattered about the house and put them into zip cases so we have more room. Every time we want to listen to something, the search for the CD begins. Invariably, we give up, disgusted with how disorganized we are when it comes to our music, and end up turning on the TV. So....I went to Target to get some cases. On a Saturday afternoon. In NJ where it seems EVERYONE goes shopping on a Saturday afternoon. Normally, that would bother me, but today I had been in the house all day, and it felt good to get out among humanity. I felt like an anthropologist amongst all the shoppers, watching what they were buying, who they were with. It felt good to get back home, as the sun set, knowing that dinner was cooking, and I could spend the evening curled up with a good book.