Thursday, September 27, 2007

I have a plan!

I have been doing a lot of thinking the last 6 months or so about what I'll do once I graduate. Oh sure, there's still the full-time career I have (and really like, by the way), but I'm talking about that which will occupy my heart and soul. As I was driving to or from work (it's often all a blur), it hit me. I want to write. I want to write about the eight year experience of seminary. I want to write what it did to me, how it changed me, where I started, where I ended. I want to write about it all. As I start my (hopefully) last year, it's as if I'm coming out of a cave into the light. I am afraid to count the number of hours I spent in class, or the library, yet I am mindful of the lifelong relationships I have formed during those many hours. While it's still relatively fresh in my mind, and while I have the time, I want to commit it to paper because I believe it is important.

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