Sunday, September 30, 2007

Silica overload...

So, we're finally getting around to putting away all the dishes and glasses we'd packed before the kitchen project of '07. Will someone please tell me why we have so many glasses? Even after we've gotten rid of a ton? Anyone?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

I have a plan!

I have been doing a lot of thinking the last 6 months or so about what I'll do once I graduate. Oh sure, there's still the full-time career I have (and really like, by the way), but I'm talking about that which will occupy my heart and soul. As I was driving to or from work (it's often all a blur), it hit me. I want to write. I want to write about the eight year experience of seminary. I want to write what it did to me, how it changed me, where I started, where I ended. I want to write about it all. As I start my (hopefully) last year, it's as if I'm coming out of a cave into the light. I am afraid to count the number of hours I spent in class, or the library, yet I am mindful of the lifelong relationships I have formed during those many hours. While it's still relatively fresh in my mind, and while I have the time, I want to commit it to paper because I believe it is important.

Monday, September 24, 2007


So, ok, like it's been forever since I even so much as looked at this blog. Since my last post, we've been to Little Cayman, bought an iPhone, redone the whole kitchen and dining room, had a 10th anniversary celebration for 100 of our friends and family, been to Bimini, bought a new vehicle, welcomed a new 1st cousin once removed to the family, and I've started back at school. All in that span of something like 10 weeks. So there.