Saturday, May 4, 2013

Music Streaming

I spend a lot of time sitting at a desk at work. It's also very quiet in my office. If it weren't for the music streaming capabilities of my iPhone, I would certainly go mad on those days I am stuck in the office. I often stream local public radio stations, but I have recently discovered Minnesota Public Radio's wonderful app. Contained within this little bit of digital goodness are seven separate streams - MPR News, Classical MPR, The Current, Local Current, Radio Heartland, Wonderground Radio, and Classical MPR Choral Stream.

All of the above streams are available on the internet, but if you work somewhere that doesn't allow streaming (like my office), and you have an Apple or Android device, I can't recommend this app enough. The content is varied enough to satisfy a wide variety of musical tastes. I've also found that even with a crappy phone signal (I'm looking at you AT&T) the stream runs smoothly. So what are you waiting for? Go get this FREE app now!