Sunday, December 22, 2013

Choral Music

Although I no longer attend church, I do miss the singing. I'm not talking about hymns, I'm talking about full on choral singing. I was fortunate to be able to spend so much time in choirs with excellent directors who had us singing some wonderful music. I am reminded of this each Sunday morning when I listen to The Choral Mix on WQXR every Sunday morning. This week's program put me squarely in the midst of the Christmas Spirit. Give it a listen.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


Excited to (probably) be getting a ticket to see Falstaff as part of the Metropolitan Opera's "Live in HD" series.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

I'm Writing NonFiction In November!

Ever since I graduated from seminary in 2008, I have wanted to put pen to paper and write about the experience. So much happened during the eight years I was in school that I want to not only commit it to memory, but I want to begin to unpack the many things I encountered along the way. My intent isn't necessarily to write for others as much as it is about writing for myself. If, at the end of the process, there is something publishable, then I will go forward from there. For now though I am content to let the words flow each day and see where things end up!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

10 years

10 years, originally uploaded by Brett Jordan.

Pretty amazing how quickly things change in the world of technology. I still have the iMac on the left, and will be getting the iPhone 5S on the right very soon.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Ten Favorite Albums

I love music, and can't imagine a world without it. I listen constantly to a variety of genres , musicians, composers, and singers, but there are some that are my absolute favorites. I can't imagine a playlist without at least some of these on it.

Ok, I'm dating myself by even using the word "albums", but hey, you get the idea. Here are my top 10, in no particular order.

1. Miles Davis - Bitches Brew
2. Peter Frampton - Frampton Comes Alive
3. Bruce Springsteen - The Wild, The Innocent, The E Street Shuffle
4. Frank Sinatra - Nothing But the Best
5. Grateful Dead - American Beauty
6. Pearl Jam - Ten
7. Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers - Conscious Party
8. Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - So Far
9. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin (box set)
10. Indigo Girls - Indigo Girls
What are yours?

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Music Streaming

I spend a lot of time sitting at a desk at work. It's also very quiet in my office. If it weren't for the music streaming capabilities of my iPhone, I would certainly go mad on those days I am stuck in the office. I often stream local public radio stations, but I have recently discovered Minnesota Public Radio's wonderful app. Contained within this little bit of digital goodness are seven separate streams - MPR News, Classical MPR, The Current, Local Current, Radio Heartland, Wonderground Radio, and Classical MPR Choral Stream.

All of the above streams are available on the internet, but if you work somewhere that doesn't allow streaming (like my office), and you have an Apple or Android device, I can't recommend this app enough. The content is varied enough to satisfy a wide variety of musical tastes. I've also found that even with a crappy phone signal (I'm looking at you AT&T) the stream runs smoothly. So what are you waiting for? Go get this FREE app now!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Downton Abbey, Nintendo Style

This is just sheer awesomeness - especially the Nintendo-ish soundtrack!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Bronchitis and Me, Perfect Together

I tried. I really really tried. I washed my hands religiously. I stayed far away from sick friends, family, and coworkers. I rested. I ate right. I ingested vitamins and supplements by the pound. It didn't work. I have bronchitis.

I think the fatal flaw in my plan was that I live with another human being. Who got very sick. And then I traveled by plane. D'oh!

Now that I am enjoying my illness in the comfort of my bathrobe, under a blanket, on my couch, I can let it wash over me. I can sleep. And snore. And cough. And hope that tomorrow I feel just a wee bit more rested, less tired, less achy.

Time for more Nyquil™...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hoping that next week is better....

Ever had one of those days? I did, last Tuesday. Paid for a Quad Venti Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks. Picked it up from my cup holder. It exploded.