Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Coffee is my lifeblood. Life is too short to drink crappy coffee. But I am 😝.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Why I Love November

Besides the obvious reason that I love November (it's my birth month), there are several other considerations in my choice to name it my favorite.

1. The weather. I absolutely love blustery days.

2. Thanksgiving. Of all the holidays we celebrate here in the states, and notwithstanding the political incorrectness of the day, this is my favorite holiday. Perhaps it is because it evokes wonderful childhood memories, and later in life, the joy to be found in a 4-day weekend. 

3. Beethoven. Yes, Beethoven. You see, Beethoven is my favorite composer. And WQXR is my favorite classical music station. And the month of November is Beethoven Awareness Month. How awesome is that?

4. Christmas is coming! But not yet.

5. Did I mention my birthday?