Friday, December 2, 2011

I'm A Sucker For A New Gadget

I can't help it. New iPhone? I gotta get it. New iPad? Sell something so I can get it. New Kindle? Who are you kidding? Two days ago, I ordered a Kindle Touch, after having checked it out in person at the local Best Buy. It came this afternoon. I'm in love. As much as I loved my last two Kindles, this one is so much better, from a user experience standpoint. I opted to get the cheaper (by $40) version with ads/offers. They are really unobtrusive, and if you want to remove them, you can do so through your Amazon account.

I never realized how much the keyboard on the previous Kindle got in my way. I like to hold it one-handed, and I would often find myself inadvertently hitting keys. Also, with the sets of page-turn buttons on the sides, I would often accidentally flip a page when I wasn't ready. I'm not having those problems with the Touch. There's enough room along both edges for me to hold the Kindle without accidentally touching the screen. So far, I have no complaints.