Thursday, May 28, 2009


Another year, another half dozen trips to the dentist. Today, I had a temporary crown replaced with my $hiny new permanent one, then a cracked molar drilled away (which at this point is mostly a filling), a post put in, then a temporary crown popped on. But wait, there's more. Next to the cracked molar was another tooth that had some decay way down deep under an existing filling. Oh, then there was the tooth that had some decay that my dentist decided to poke at for a bit (and this part of my mouth was NOT numb). By the time I got home, after spending over an hour driving home, the pain had started. Ow. Then I remembered the Vicodin from last year's abcessed tooth. Ahhhhhh.......

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pachelbel Rant

Ok, so because I'm a geek I listen to classical music. I listen to just about anything, although I'm not terribly fond of country or opera. However, there is one piece of music I hate. HATE. And comedian Rob Paravonian sums it up nicely. Thank you Rob.