Monday, April 20, 2009


It hasn't been the best of starts for us Yankees fans. Chien-Ming Wang can't pitch his way out of a Little League game. The bullpen. Let's not even go there. Ridiculously overpriced tickets. A manager who, in my opinion, isn't going to be around after this year. Even with all of this, I decided to try and get me some tickets for a game. Figuring that since I was off this week, I could catch a game, I went online in search of tickets. I actually scored a pair of field seats for tonight's match up against the A's (yawn), and they didn't cost me a whole paycheck. And now? And now it is about to rain. It is about to rain the way it rains when there are floods. And it is cold. And windy. And the game is likely to be made up this Wednesday. When I am in Florida.'s going to be a long season.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Vacation Time!

Yay, we're going on vacation! I am now officially out of the office until the 27th. Sweet.

Friday, April 10, 2009


As part of our money saving plans, we've purchased a Tassimo brewer. Instead of shelling out $4 a pop at Starbucks, why not make the stuff at home? It's not quite the same, but it'll do. Right now I'm sipping on a decent latte, and the cost was about 80 cents. I figure by the end of the day I will have OD'ed on caffeine.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

App Addict

Hello. My name is Nancy. I'm an App Store addict. Today, I downloaded three Apps. Yesterday, two. I can't stop. Please help me.


It's that time of year. No, not baseball's opening day (although I am very happy about that). It's spring. Which means pollen. Which means about 2 weeks of misery. Please pass the tissues. And the steel wool so I can scratch my eyes out.