Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm Going to Disney World!

We've finally gotten our act together, and are spending a few days at Old Key West in Orlando in April. Gurgling Suitcase, here we come! It's nice to have a sister who has organized pretty much the whole trip.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Oh my.

The Amazon Kindle. I have no need of this device. But I am a geek. And I am a reader. A voracious reader. If you've ever been to my house, you know about the piles of reading material. Everywhere. In fact, right now, on the kitchen counter rests a large stack of material I read this morning. All of which is available on the Kindle. Drool. I have no need of this device. But I want it. It's so sleek and sexy. And if I ever see or touch one in the wild, I shall have to purchase one.

Boat Drinks

Damn, I've had enough of this cold. I agree with my sister. I'm ready for a boat drink or five. 

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I am normally a lover of winter. No longer. Last week, I slipped and fell while walking. It was a patch of black ice that did me in. That and my own clumsiness. I managed to re-injure my busted ankle, smash the right side of my face, sprain my right thumb and wrist, and twist my left knee. All in one shot. Top that.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day. Interrupted.

I have been so very fortunate of late, not having suffered a migraine headache in over a year. Last night and today, the Migraine Fairy paid me a visit. Fortunately, her stay was not long, and I am now able to function as a human being once again. What is most maddening about this is that I lost 24 hours. When any other part of my body hurts, I am still able to go to work, drive a car, etc. Not so with a migraine. The best I can hope for while under her nasty spell is to dream up ways to kill myself so the pain will stop.