Saturday, December 22, 2007

Time to Look Back....

Another year is almost gone. What happened? Where did it go? As far as years go, this one wasn't too awful. It had it ups and downs, goods and bads, and plenty of surprises. We got "civilly unioned," we remodeled the kitchen and dining room, we hosted a party for more than 100 of our friends to help us celebrate 10 years together, Robin lost a job, Robin got a job, I got a car, and I'm now less than 150 days away from graduation and the eventual regaining of my life. Is it any wonder, then, that since class ended three days ago, it's all I can do to get up and go to work? I am exhausted, in every sense of the word.

Today was good -we got up when we felt like it, relaxed over breakfast, then headed over to Westfield to pick up one Christmas gift, then we wandered the shops, had lunch, and did a little grocery shopping at Trader Joe's before coming home and taking a nap. Now that's what I call a good day.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Oh my.

Did I really not post anything in November? Whoops.