Saturday, October 27, 2007


OS X Leopard. Released yesterday. Of course, I'll need a new computer to run it, since my 3 1/2 year old PowerBook can't handle it :-(

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Weekend Trauma. Really.

So, I'm standing in line at J&R Music World in Manhattan the other day, making a purchase, and my phone rings. It's Robin.

Robin: "Hi. I'vebeenhitandI'mokandthecopsarehereand (breath...) ....theambulanceishereandIgottagobye." Click.

Me: "???" Calls back, gets no answer.

Long story short, Robin went to see a friend who was "gallery-sitting" to bring him lunch. As she was crossing the street to go back to the car, she was hit by a Jeep Cherokee. She makes it a point of correcting me every time I say she was hit by a car. "It was an SUV. Not a car." Ok. Point is, she was hit and ended up on the pavement. We are blessed she is not hurt badly. Nonetheless, I rushed out of Manhattan, hopping the PATH to Newark, where I grabbed a cab to UMDNJ, where the ambulance had taken her. I get to the hospital, where I discover they don't know where she is. After some prodding of the staff and a few more minutes, I am told "she is in the trauma unit."

Once I pick myself back up and gather my wits, I go find her, with the help of a wonderful Patient Advocate. There she is, lying in a bed in the trauma unit, neck brace and all. After hours and hours of waiting and x-rays and CT scans, she is finally released and we are home that same night.

I don't believe I've fully processed the whole ordeal, but I do know that with much clarity, I realize how fleeting life is, and that we need to take time each day to appreciate it, and the ones we love. Every single day.