Saturday, April 28, 2007

Bombs Away!

Weird NJ is one of my favorite magazines, and I just discovered they're also on YouTube - yay!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Time keeps on tickin'......

"Procrastination is a complex psychological behavior that affects everyone to some degree or another. With some it can be a minor problem; with others it is a source of considerable stress and anxiety. Procrastination is only remotely related to time management, (procrastinators often know exactly what they should be doing, even if they cannot do it), which is why very detailed schedules usually are no help." - courtesy CalPoly Student Academic Services

I have a 20-page paper due tomorrow night by 6:00. Between now and then, I also must travel to my sister's house and celebrate her birthday, oh, and finish writing a sermon. So what better time is there than now to blog?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Pure Class

Living as I do a few miles away from Rutgers, and being an alumnus, I am impressed beyond words with the young women of the Rutgers University basketball team as they have handled the Don Imus controversy these past days. Totally classy. I wish each of them, as well as all the coaches and support staff, the best.

Thursday, April 5, 2007


We've decided that perhaps now might be a good time to start looking for a new car. Mine, at the ripe old age of 6, already has over 142,000 miles on it, and Robin's, while relatively low mileage, is OLD (14) and is randomly beginning to drop pieces in the middle of the road. So as I contemplate the next new car purchase, I was thinking back over what I've driven through the years. In order:

Red 1967 Ford F150 pickup truck, 3-speed manual shift on the column; I learned to drive in this baby....

Rust (the color, not the state of the car...) AMC Spirit, don't recall the year. Ugly, crappy car, but it was MINE and it got me from college to work and back, so that was cool.

Navy blue 1985 5-speed manual Nissan extended cab pickup. My first new car.

Light blue metallic 1990 5-speed manual Toyota 4WD extended cab pickup; I loved this truck.

Red 1993 Mazda MX-6 5-speed manual sports car with black leather interior. It was fun to drive, except when it snowed; this thing was terrible in rain and snow, so I got rid of it.

Black 1994 Mazda 4WD automatic extended cab pickup with matching cap; loved it until it developed an intermittent, undiagnosable electrical problem that would cause the truck to just STOP for no reason. Not a *feature* you want when you drive on the highways of NJ......

Current car is a blue 2001 Subaru Forester 5-speed.

For the next vehicle, it will definitely NOT be a manual transmission. I am over that. I drive a 25+ mile stretch of road each way to work, with enough traffic lights that on days my knees are bothering me, I come home with a swollen kneecap from all the shifting. My top three picks right now are another Forester, a Toyota RAV4 or a Honda CRV, all Consumers Report top picks. Hmmm, now if I could only decide on a color.....