Friday, March 30, 2007

And this is news??

I have to stop taking these quizzes. But they're so dead ON.

You are a super geek

You are into everything that is geeky – which is hard because there are so many types of geeks. You are very smart and have a great imagination. People who call you a geek are just jealous, right?

Take this quiz at

Thursday, March 29, 2007

What would my epitaph say?

Sorry, I'm really bored tonight. This had me laughing so hard I thought I would choke. But then I wouldn't have been able to post. They must know my nickname.

Take this quiz at

We need more lessons like this one....

I would choose a word other than bullshit, but the rest works for me.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Look, a desk!

Look, a desk!, originally uploaded by nukediver.

Well, I finally unearthed a corner of the basement this weekend. It felt good to wade through the paper that's accumulated over the last two years. I've really wanted to get my writing space back. There's something comforting about having a cozy nook in which to put pen to paper, or pixel to screen.


It's official - I found out today that I passed all the ordination exams I took back in January! Four down, one to go. Looks like I'll be doing a little Biblical Hermeneutics during August. Bleah. In many ways, the significance of this hasn't hit me yet. I've watched many friends struggle through this process, not passing the exams the first time around, all the while dreading the time that I would have to sit there for three hours at a shot, answering three sets of questions for each exam with barely any time at all to review what I wrote, all the time wondering why we were being put through this exercise.

Friday, March 16, 2007

A girl can dream...

I am really determined this year to find my office. And when I do, it will look like this one. It's in the basement. In the corner. Right over there. Behind the mountain of boxes of books and graduate school papers. Which are under the bags of stuff to donate. Which are behind the stuff from last summer's vacation. My realistic goal? To find this office before I graduate. May 2008. I can do it. Yes I can.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Weak-Kneed Coward

For those of you that know me, you know that I am generally not afraid of many things. I am not afraid of spiders or snakes. I am not afraid of the ocean. I am not afraid of sharks. I am not afraid to be in the ocean with sharks. I am not afraid to travel to strange and scary places, either alone or with friends. I am not afraid to go back to school for something totally different. I am not afraid to speak in public. I am not afraid to laugh at myself. There is one thing, however, that strikes fear deep into my heart. Skywalk.